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The 5 Best Fitness Apps To Download Today

When you are looking to take control of your fitness and take care of your body, you sometimes need a bit of help. Thankfully, smartphones have made it so much easier to keep your body fit and your fitness game on track. Because of wonderful fitness apps, you can now finally have the body and state of health that you have always wanted.

From the mild and easy to the more intense, here are some of the best apps to download when you are attempting to get a better handle on your health and become the fit and active person you have always wanted to be.

Fitness Buddy

Do you want a personal trainer but don’t want to spend the money on one in real life? Well, thankfully there is Fitness Buddy. This app is like a personal trainer and nutritionist in one app. It provides you with hundreds of workouts to keep your body in its best shape. There are videos, workout plans, easy to follow instructions and so much more. Best of all, this app is free so you can enjoy it without plunking down the cash you would need for a gym membership.


This app is all about staying fit, not just by going to the gym. This application gives you a whole bunch of different food options, allowing you to create meals that are good and good for you at the same time. MyFitnessPal has a massive food database, a recipe importer, a calorie counter, restaurant logger, and more. This means that you will be able to stay healthy at the gym and at home, thanks to this helpful app. Staying fit is about more than hitting the gym and MyFitnessPal proves that.

10K Runner

The 10K Runner app is a great way to train and prepare yourself for a marathon. It will gradually teach you how to walk, jog, or run great distances. However, if you are just looking to run for the sake of your health and not to become a marathon champion, you can still use 10K Runner a lot. Whether you are training your body for a long run or just wanting to keep yourself in shape and fit, 10K Runner is an app that is perfect for you and should be downloaded immediately.

30 Day Fitness at Home

30 Day Fitness at Home is an app that you can use to push yourself and encourage yourself to meet your fitness goals. It comes with a slew of video instructions that will keep you on track and losing weight and living a healthy lifestyle. It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a pro, this app will provide you with wonderful guidance.

Home Workout – No Equipment

Going to the gym is a lot of fun but it’s important to remember that you can achieve your goals and lose weight and stay fit even without stepping foot inside one. The app Home Workout – No Equipment will help you hit your marks and achieve your goals without a gym membership. It is easy to use and easy to follow and easy to buy…because it’s free.